
Showing posts from May, 2019

Billy Ray Blog #13

This course has taught me more Fairy Tales than I could have imagined at the beginning of this semester. With all the different variations of tales across different cultures, I was able to see how similar, yet different all the tales were from each other. These tales we have learned reflect on their time periods and cultures they were brought forth in, and it’s so interesting how they stay the same, but change over decades. I learned a ton about the original tales by the Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault. I really enjoyed the Grimm’s tales the most, and Maria Tatar’s interpretations of all the tales really helped me in understanding the tales motifs, functions, and basically just their meanings. I must admit that I did not expect to read as much as we did in the class. Keeping up with the readings was tough because there were a lot of tales to read, some being pretty long and difficult to understand. Having other classes definitely made it a task to get the readings done. Thoug...